主讲人:丹麦哥本哈根大学教授、博士生导师Charles Lock
简介:Charles Lock was born in England in 1955 and received his university degrees at Oxford where he read English Language and Literature, graduating in 1977; his D.Phil dissertation, supervised by John Bayley, was dedicated to John Cowper Powys on whom he continues to work, notably as Editor of the Powys Journal. From 1983 to 1996 he taught at the University of Toronto where he was appointed Professor in 1992. Since 1996 he has held the Chair of English Literature at the University of Copenhagen. His range of scholarly publications is exceptional, extending from literary theory and book history to contemporary poetry, modernism, medieval literature, Australian and Nigerian literature, and includes contributions to other disciplines such as archaeology and art history. Most of his essays (now numbering over three hundred) share a concern with the graphic sign.

1. 题目:Saussure and the sign
讲座简介:An outline of Saussure's theory of the sign as related to language, and with reference to Charles Sanders Peirce. The consequences for linguistics and semiotics. This will correct an unfortunate error in the understanding of Saussure which has been perpetuated without challenge.
相关阅读:Charles Lock, ‘Semiotics of Glass and Light,’Semiotic Review of Books 6.2 (1995)
2. 题目:Roman Jakobson: metaphor and metonymy
讲座简介:These, ‘the two poles oflanguage’, were accepted in classical rhetoric as the two ways in which wordscould have meaning. Metonymy fell into disuse, and despite Jakobson it has stillnot been recognized as the necessary counterpart to metaphor.
相关阅读:Charles Lock:‘Debts and Displacements: on Metaphor andMetonymy,’ActaLinguisticaHafniensia (C.A. Reitzel, Copenhagen: centenaryissue for RomanJakobson), Vol.29 (1997), pp. 321-37.
3. 题目:The Nestorian Stele and the Heterographic
讲座简介:The significance of the Nestorian stele, now housed in the beilin at Xi'an, is notonly in the sign of the cross at an exceptionally early date (781), nor in itspartial reproduction in Europe in 1670, the earliest text in Chinese to be printed in the West. The concept of the heterographic invites a theoreticalreflection on writing-systems, and proposes that globalization needs to beunderstood not only in terms of trade, ideology and so forth, but at the level ofthe graphic and of graphic differences, in signs and in the making of signs.
相关阅读:Charles Lock, ‘On roman letters and other stories: an essay in Heterographics’, Journal of World Literature, Vol. I, no. 2 (2016), pp. 158-72;
Charles Lock, 'Heterographics: Towards a History and Theory of OtherLettering', Angles, Vol.6 (2006), pp. 97-112
4. 题目:M. M. Bakhtin: the voice of prose.
讲座简介:Bakhtin challenged critical assumptionsabout the novel, realizing that the constitutive elements of the genre are notplot and character but ‘the representation of voice'. Novels create an entirelynew linguistic condition, one that could come into being only through silence.
相关阅读:Charles Lock: ‘Double Voicing, Sharing Words: Bakhtin’s Dialogism andtheHistoryofthe Theory of Free Indirect Discourse,’in theNovelness ofBakhtin:Perspectivesand Possibilities, edited by Jørgen Bruhn & Jan Lundquist(Copenhagen:Tusculanum, 2001), pp. 71-87.
5. 题目:Derrida: Sense and etymology
讲座简介:Derrida's ‘deconstruction’ has beensubjected to much mystification. His opposition to the logocentric is, however,less an ideological principle than a linguistic fact: that words are alwaysslipping away from the meanings attributed to them by their speakers andwriters.
相关阅读:Charles Lock: ‘Derek Walcott's Omeros: “Echoes from a White-throatedVase”,’MassachusettsReview, Vol. XLI, No. 1 (2000), pp. 9-31.